The President of Turkmenistan holds meeting for development of agricultural complex
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who is in charge of agricultural complex and Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramdurdiyev.
Situation in the industry has been reviewed, improvement of soil fertility and rational use of land and water resources have been discussed and the utmost objectives of rural personnel have been outlined.
Seasonal agricultural works in the fields and preparation to National Turkmen Horse Holiday were separate subjects of discussion.
Agricultural industry is one of the strategic sectors of the economy of the country, which makes reliable basis for achievement of new historical epoch.
As is known, comprehensive development of agriculture, which makes direct effect on the level of prosperity and life quality of the population, is a priority vector of the government policy.
Fundamental reforms, which are aimed at increment of productivity of agricultural complex, steadfast increment of volumes and variety of agricultural production, creation of favourable conditions for creative work of farmers, are carried out under social and economic changes expanded in Turkmenistan.
Special attention in the meeting has been paid to practical implementation of the Programme of development of agricultural complex of the country in 2020 – 2025 in the context of expansion of scales of this activity.
At the same time, reports on work for introduction of digital system, which supports further improvement of agricultural complex, have been presented.
During the session, Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the reforms in the sphere under his supervision and on spring campaign expanded in agricultural fields of the country these days. It was also informed about measures taken for fulfilment of objectives given by the Leader of the nation previously.
It was mentioned that steadfast work for transfer to digital electronic management system, study of international practice of development of profile education, expansion of information and consulting services is carried out.
Having listened to the report and focused on importance of steadfast implementation of the government programmes, especially those which are aimed at reformation of agricultural complex, the Head of the State highlighted that acceleration of rates of work in this direction is the main objective of the current stage. It will support to improvement of life conditions of rural population and increment of volumes of agricultural production.
Turkmen leader ordered to enforce the control of the reforms in this sphere and provide steadfast transfer of agricultural complex to innovative way of development. Special attention shall be paid to wide implementation of scientific achievements, which allows increasing land fertility, into production as well as to timely conduct of all necessary agricultural technical activities for care of agricultural complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.
After, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramdurdiyev reported on measures for rapid development of the industry and strengthening of its equipment and facility base.
Spring field works for cultivating of wheat, potato, early vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops are carried out in compliance with agricultural standards. Measures for improvement of productivity of these crops, steadfast increment of production volumes, scientifically based farming are taken.
Significant financial resources are allocated for rearmament of equipment and facility base of agricultural sector, renewal of technical fleet by systematic procurement of high productive modern agricultural equipment from the leading foreign producers, which supports timley completion of seasonal campaigns.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the government pays special attention to comprehensive development and modernization of agriculture and implementation of fundamental reforms in this sphere.
Large-scale measures are taken for strengthening of equipment and facility base of agricultural complex, wide introduction of digital system and latest technologies together with financial investments. All capabilities are given for productive work of farmers in order for them to be able to improve their wellbeing.
Technical services of equipment are provided to farmers on beneficial terms, they are provided with water, mineral fertilizers, quality seeding material, chemicals, the Head of the state highlighted, having ordered to continue implementing strict control of all these works.
Having focused on importance of all measures for successful implementation of the government programmes, which are aimed at development of agricultural complex, the President noted that big investments are allocated for this purpose.
High productive equipment, which is adapted to soil and climate conditions of our country, is procured from foreign countries, advanced scientific methods are applied for increment of production of agricultural crops.
Speaking of importance of introduction of digital system to agriculture, the Head of the State highlighted that this measure would support to significant improvement of work efficiency, give opportunity for compilation of data about performed work in electronic format and will provide stable development of the industry in general.
Practical measures in this direction supports to completion agricultural activities in set timeline, collection of harvest without any loss, strict accounting of lands and rational use of water resources.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined large-scale activity for natural protection and provision of good ecology in the country as a separate subject of discussion.
Effective measures are taken for successful fulfilment of objectives specified in National Strategy for climate change, National forest programme. Big work is carried out for enrichment of flora and fauna.
It was highlighted that creation of favourable environment, health protection of people, careful treatment of natural reserves of the country and gradual introduction of clean technologies into production are priority directions of the government policy.
The President noted that the Ministry and profile departments of agricultural sector as well as regional administrations have to take proper measures for acceleration of rates of reforms for fulfilment of set objectives, having given relative instructions on this account.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to provide the completion of approved plan for grain production in full volume and set timeline, to carry of necessary agricultural works at the fields under wheat.
In addition, the Head of the State ordered to increase lands for cultivation of potato, vegetable, cucurbitaceous and other agricultural crops, to increase the volumes of their production.
Relative instructions have been given in the aspect of effective work for mineral fertilization, which are necessary for good production of wheat, cotton, potato, vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops. Number of assignments has been given for development o livestock farming, increment of livestock and volumes of production.
Turkmen leader has demanded to activate implementation of digital system into agricultural complex for increment of work efficiency in agricultural complex, establishment of electronic database as well as for provision of further stable development of this sector.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to attract private producers to the industry as well as to take measures for activation of their participation in the reforms for achievement of set objectives.
Noting the necessity of responsible approach to set objectives, the Head of Turkmenistan stated that there is number of deficiencies in work despite integrated support provided by the government, strengthening of equipment and facility base. It includes law rates of implementation of the reforms.
In this regard, Deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev was reprimanded for unsatisfactory fulfilment of his duties, reduction of control of activity of the structures under his supervision.
Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramdurdiyev has also been reprimanded for unsatisfactory fulfilment of his duties and deficiencies admitted in his work.
Having noted that scientifically based activity in agricultural complex is priority direction of the government policy, Turkmen leader requested profile scientific and research institutes to continue working on selection and wide implementation of highly productive agricultural crops with high resistance to diseases and adapted to soil and climate conditions of the country.
In the end of the session, the President touched on the subject of coming National Turkmen Horse Holiday, which is annually observed in the country on the last Sunday of April. As is known, International Ahalteke Equestrian Association has 10th anniversary this year. .
Activity of this large structure is very important for popularization and improvement of the world glory of legendary Turkmen horses, which are the pride of our nation. In this regard, the Head of the State ordered to organize and conduct coming celebration events on high level.