President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visits the Institute of the Ministry of Interior
President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Institute of the Ministry of Interior where inspected educational work and organization of practical training.
In the morning, the Head of the State has come to new building of higher educational facility, which was opened in 2009. The institute, provided with latest equipment and advanced digital technologies, train specialists for structural divisions of the Ministry of Interior. Educational methods, which were developed by modern pedagogic science, are actively applied in educational process.
… At the main entrance, Minister of Interior M. Chakiyev reported to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces about work in the institute under his supervision.
Compliance of public order, protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens, creation of necessary conditions for provision of prosperous life of turkmenstan citizens are among the priorities of the government policy. Solution of all issues in this direction on the highest level is the main professional mission of personnel of law enforcement structures.
The President started getting familiar with activity of the Institute, having visited the gyms, where he expressed interest in their provision and conditions for doing different sports. It is well known that systematic physical training strengthen body, improve capabilities of organism, increase work efficiency, develop endurance and self-discipline and strengthen immune system.
Speaking of the role of sports in assertion of healthy life style for all levels of the population, especially the students, the Head of the State noted that this has to be an importance principle in activity of not only the Institute of the Ministry of Interior but also all security forces.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to availability of gyms with modern equipment in all social facilities, which are under construction in the country, including in kindergartens, schools and high educational institutes.
Same like in all other structures, the universities of the country have open and indoor sport grounds, swimming pools, gyms and other sport facilities. All of these allows supporting physical activity, especially of the growing generation, allows improving health and life quality.
The Institute also has its own modern sport centre and other relative facilities, which is a proof of integrated measures taken as per request of Turkmen leader for assertion of the principles of healthy life style.
The head of the State went to the Centre of Winter Sports “Galkan” where Galkan Ice hockey team of the Ministry of Interior and Nesil of the Institute of the Minister of Interior have their trainings. It has all conditions for preparation to the competitions of national and international level.
Members of the hockey teams have warmly greeted President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. In the conversation with sportsmen, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces expressed interest in training process of the cadets and their study.
The sportsmen expressed gratitude to the Head of the State for excellent conditions for improvement of sport skills. Having watched training game of the teams, Turkmen leader wished new victories to the players and presented sport uniform to them.
At present, Galkan and Nesil occupy leading positions in Turkmen ice hockey. Numerous winner of the country Galkan has successfully played in many international competitions while players of Nesil have won the Cup of the President of Turkmenistan.
High educational institute has all conditions for other sports as well. Gyms and sport grounds provided with modern equipment are designated for improvement of physical training.
Commitment to principles of healthy life style, regular training supports improvement of health, active participation of young Turkmenistan citizens in different competitions and achievement of big success, the Head of the State highlighted.
At the same time, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces has focused on efficiency of work. Having pointed out that it is necessary to pay utmost attention to military and applied sports in training of students, the President ordered to activate measures in this direction.
Further, the Head of the State inspected new specialized equipment and modern samples of weapons received by structural divisions of the Ministry of Interior.
Having proceeded to special shooting range, the Supreme Commander of the Armed forces checked on the characteristics of available combat weapons and made some shots on target. Hitting the target right in the bullseye is a visual evidence of high skills of the President of Turkmenistan.
Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that physical training and sports educate strong character. Such approach has to be the main principles for personnel of law enforcement structures.
Having finished shooting, the President handed over that target hit with precise shots to Minister Interior M. Chakiyev. Having accepted it with gratitude, the Head of the Minsiter said that it would take deserved place in the museum of the Ministry of Interior.
It is worth mentioning that complex of buildings of the Institute includes modern canteen where special attention is paid to quality of meal. Today’s menu includes noodle with pepper – ‘unash’, one of traditional dishes of Turkmen cuisine. The Head of the State noted that our wise ancestors considered that it improves immune system. Most of the meal served here is national dishes, which are distinguished not only by useful properties but also by high nutrition, which the Head of Turkmenistan stated with delight.
Technical provision of the complex of buildings of the Institute, work for implementation of modern practice and digital system into the process of training and education of qualified military personnel for law enforcement agencies, level of provision of the institute with necessary equipment comply with all requirements set for similar profile institutes.
After, the Supreme Commander of the Armed forces presented 300 modern computers, which were made in Turkmenistan by Agzybirlik tilsimaty Company, to the Institute of the Ministry of Interior. Development of the industry, which is new for national economy of the country, is very important in successful implementation of the Concept of digitization. Modern equipment and machines, their efficient use are important conditions in training of qualified specialists for the Ministry of Interior.
In the end, having wished success in fulfilment of responsible objectives to all, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.