Priroties of home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan reviewed at the session of thee Government
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference working session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current objectives of the state life have been discussed.
First, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov reported on the situation in the system under his supervision, measures for control of fulfilment of planed objectives of the year by facilities of the leading sections of the economy.
It was informed that work for renewal of regulatory and legal bae regulating activity of the structures under his supervision is carried out at present.
According to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan from June 27, 2019, the Economic Risk Protection Agency under the Ministry of Finances and Economy was appointed as the Government authorised body for protection of water bio resources.
In this regard, the Vice-premier reported to the Head of the State about measures for improvement of activity in this direction, including for development of the draft of new edition of the Provision on Fishery in territorial waters and internal water reserves of Turkmenistan and on protection of biological resources.
Summing up the report, the President highlighted that the Government pays special attention to protection of unique nature of the country including Caspian Sea. Recently, number of agreements have been signed between five coastal countries by initiative of Turkmenistan. It includes the Framework Convention on Protection of Marine Environment of Caspian Sea (The Tehran Convention), Protocol on Protection of Biological Diversity of Caspian Sea (The Ashgabat Protocol), Agreement on Protection and Rational Use of Aquatic Biological Resources of Caspian Sea.
Having focused on importance of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea adopted by the outcomes of the V Caspian Summit in Aktau on August 12, 2018, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight that it made conditions for brining of five-side cooperation to new level, opened wide opportunities for development of close cooperation in different directions.
Successful fulfilment of current objectives in environment protection and ecological safety spheres, protection of biodiversity of unique natural water reserve – Caspian Sea, rational use of its reserves require bringing legal acts in this sphere in compliance with time realities, the Head of the State said.
Having highlighted importance of work in this direction, the President ordered to agree on the draft of new edition of the Provision on Fishery in territorial waters and internal water reserves of Turkmenistan and on protection of aquatic biological resources with relative structures.
Continuing, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on current directions of activity of financial and economic establishments. Having noted that number of long-term programmes aimed at further steadfast development of the state and provision of wealth of the nation including the programme of industrialization of the country until 2030 are under implementation, the Head of the State directed the Vice-premier to hold timely and accurate execution of the pans under strict control.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the situation of structural divisions of fuel and energy complex and measures for strengthening of production potential of the industry, provision of stable growth of technical and economic indicators.
Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted that energy sector has an important role in provision of stable growth of national economy, rapid social and economic development of the regions, enhancement of life level of the population and strengthening of foreign economic positions of the country.
It was mentioned that opening of new oil and gas processing complexes, chemical plants, power stations as well as numerous facilities provided the growth of local demand on energy carriers. At the same time, the utmost attention has to be paid to fulfilment of obligations for international export contracts for supply of energy resources.
In this context, the Head of the State requested to activate work for modernization of the main production and infrastructural facilities of oil and gas industry, introduction of modern technologies to all sections, which is to support to their further steadfast development on innovative basis.
In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal agricultural works in the velayats of the country. It was reported that grain producers take care of the winter crops. Active preparation to coming wheat harvest is carried out; sowing of cotton is under completion.
Draft resolution on production of sugar beet this year has been presented to the head of the state for review. Total, it is planted to sow 17,900 hectares of land. It is planned to produce 24,000 tons from 3,000 hectares in Balkan Velayat and 200,000 tons of this agricultural crop from 14,900 hectares in Mary Velayat.
Having listened to the report, the President highlighted that provision of the population of the country with various agricultural products of own make is one of the main objectives.
The Head of the state addressed the Vice-premier with number of assignments for strict compliance with agricultural standards for care of wheat, qualitative and timely completion of the cotton sowing as well as proper preparation to the wheat harvest campaign. Certain assignments have been given on rational use of water resources and efficient use of agricultural equipment.
Having signed the Resolution on production of sugar beet in Turkmenistan in 2020, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent it to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system.
After, the Head of the State called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev who presented report on launch of new production at cement plants of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production.
It was mentioned that the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production together with the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences took measures for application of active mineral additives in production of cement for solution of objectives for increment of production of the main construction material and expansion of variety of production.
Thus, 400-G20-K Portland cement is already in production. In addition, work for arrangement of production of 500-G20-K cement is continued. Basalt porphyrites are active additives necessary for this. It is produced from the rocks at Ufra deposit, which is on the balance of Balkan Ore Mining Department. Due to its physical and chemical characteristics, these minerals enhance the quality of cement. Production of the above-mentioned cements will increase volumes of production of quality cement up to 20 percent.
Having listened to the report, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of activation of work for production of import substitutive commodities. The country has all capabilities for this, first, rich mineral and material resources, which can be used for production of required construction materials.
Having focused that initiatives of Turkmenistan for formation of transport , logistic and transit corridors are supported and recognized by the world community, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted exclusive importance of automobile bridges in the country in transcontinental directions. At the same time, dissatisfaction with work of the Vice-premier for admitted deficiencies in correct operation of bridges and regular breakdown maintenance work has been expressed.
It was highlighted that measures for improvement of road and transport sphere directly support to promotion of the initiative of Turkmenistan on establishment of global partnership in sustainable transport. In this regard, having requested the Vice-premier to provide personal control of proper maintenance and timely service of bridges meeting international standards, which are built in the velayats of the country for increment of transport flow and formation of modern transit and transport system.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on work for amendments and addendums of relative Resolutions of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on regulation of activity of the state authorities at customs border of the country and definition of unified amount of fees and payments taken from the owners of vehicles of foreign states.
The Vice-premier noted that it is necessary to synchronize legislation and tariffs for pursuing coordinated transport policy gradually simplifying customs, visa and other procedures. These measures will significantly improve efficiency of transport and transit corridors, growth of cargo traffic and volumes of foreign trade.
It was informed that agencies of the structure of transport and communication complex made relative analysis in this direction. It was determined that most part of transit cargo by automobile transport is carried out from the neighbouring states. In this regard, opportunities of further expansion of transit potential of the country are reviewed.
Under the report, the Vice-premier has also informed about use of resources oof national artificial satellite.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that steadfast integration to the world transport system and further expansion of the infrastructure on the main routes, connecting roads and hubs in East – West and North – South directions are among the main objectives for visual perspective.
Noting the currency of projects in transport sphere including construction of Modal highway for Central Asia with exit to Turkey, construction and activation of transport corridors Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Turkey- Georgia – Turkey and Europe – Caucasus – Asia (TRACECA), the President highlighted that formation of these important directions plays important role in restoration of the Silk Road.
It is necessary to pay special attention to construction of railroad bridges, the Head of Turkmenistan stated, having highlighted the necessity of thorough study of the world practice of bridge construction. In this regard, the Vice-premier was addressed with certain assignments for provision of strict control of effective operation and proper maintenance of railroad bridges.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also pointed out the importance of steadfast implementation of big strategic projects of realization of significant transit, transport and logistic potential of Turkmenistan, having directed the Vice-premier to put all efforts for successful implementation of plans.
Further, the Head of the State noted that capabilities for conducting of online video conferences are used by maximum owing to full operation of national system of satellite communication. This type of communication, which is widely used in the world, significantly accelerates working process, increases efficiency of time and resources. Active use of this technology finds application inn educational and health protection spheres.
It was highlighted that modern infrastructure of satellite communication and new technologies will support to development and improvement of research activity and related to the space in Turkmenistan and serve to further enhancement of international authority of the country.
Having noted big importance of launch of the second artificial satellite, Turkmen leader ordered the Vice-premier to study this subject in details and take relative measures.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about activity of the structures under his supervision and measures for the government support of small and medium business, expansion of import substitutive and export oriented production.
In particular, the report on work for provision of first grade school students of the country with computers by the beginning of new educational year, which traditionally would be resented on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, has been presented.
Production of necessary quantity of computers will be provided by Agzybirlik tilsimaty facility of the Centre of Computer Technologies of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan.
Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted increasing role of entrepreneurship in import substitutive sphere and enhancement of export potential of the country, development of competitive industry, having highlighted importance of support of the projects implemented in digitization sphere and saturation of foreign market with high quality electronic production.
Having ordered relative officials to provide strict control of production of computer equipment for first grade school students according to modern requirements to the software, training functionality and safety features for health of children, the President highlighted that the main goal of this work is to make conditions for improvement of efficiency of national education system.
In addition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov to elaborate on the subject of establishment of production other computers including desktops, note books and tablets at the facilities of Agzybirlik tilsimaty.
Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on preparation to International Photo exhibition and Conference “Turkmenistan – Home of Nuetrality” in Ashgabat on May 13.
The exposition will present work of national and foreign photographers and correspondents dedicated to friendship of nations as well as to the neutrality of Turkmenistan. At present time, applications for participation if the review have come from many countries. Foreign exhibitors will have an opportunity to perform at the opening ceremony of the exhibition in video conference mode.
Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted big importance of international humanitarian actions, which enrich relations of Turkmenistan with other states of the planet with new content, supporting strengthening of friendship and development of versatile cooperation with the world community, wide popularization of spiritual heritage of Turkmen nations, enrichment of cultures.
In this context, the Head of the State ordered to provide high organizational level of International photo exhibition and conference “Turkmenistan – Home of Neutrality” using opportunities of modern video communication and to make all conditions for successful artistic collaboration of participants.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on preparation to the season of summer school holidays.
It was informed that specialists of the Ministry of Education developed plan of organization of summer holidays of school student. . Active preparation to reception of schools students is carried out in all children health improving centres, sport and play grounds are under maintenance and renovation.
Special attention is paid to sanitary and preventive work. The Ministry of education, Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, administrations of the capital and velayats will hold hygiene and compliance with disinfection requirements under control.
At present, work for organization of training course for tutors and counsellors has been started. The Ministry of Education develops integrated plan of cultural and mass, spot and health improving events, which is made according to age categories and interests of school students. All measures are not only to provide interesting and funny holidays of children but also to support revealing their talents and abilities.
Sport grounds are prepared in schools and residential estates in the capital and velayats for active attraction of growing generation to healthy life style, physical training and sport
Having highlighted importance of all conditions for successful organization of summer holiday for children, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to consolidate efforts of relative structures to make coming season of school holidays as one of unforgettable moments in life of children, the funniest, most interesting and useful time.
Reporting on work of the Foreign Ministry, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov informed about measures for expansion of cooperation of Turkmenistan with the World Trade Organization.
In this regard, importance of the Programme of development of foreign economic activity of Turkmenistan in 2020 – 2025 approved by the Head of the State last December. According to the document, activation of partnership with international and interregional organizations including the WTO is one of the main objectives.
The World Trade organization is the only global structure, which carries out its activity in coordination of trade relations between the countries of the world, in setting of international standards and their implementation. At present time, 164 states are the members of the WTO. At the same time, 24 countries have the status of observers of this organization.
Relative Government Commission was formed by the Resolution of the Head of the State from July 15, 2019 for study of matters related with bringing of cooperation with the World Trade Organization to new level.
By the outcomes of sessions and consultations with the WTO representatives and international experts, it was determined that participation of our country in activity of this organization in the status of observer as a first measure would open wide perspectives for further modernization of national economy.
In particular, it will give opportunity for participation of Turkmenistan in official evetns, main meetings and forums of the WTO, for intensification of bilateral contacts on the level of profile specialists and by exchange of delegations as well as for promotion of national initiatives on development of regional and international trade under this competent organization. At the same time, new impulse would be given to the partnership with such big international structures as European Union, UNECE, ESCATO, World bank and Asian Development Bank.
Following what was mentioned above and based on the legislation of Turkmenistan and international practice, it is proposed to carry out relative work for obtaining of the observer status in the WTO by our country.
Focusing on perspectives of joining to the World Trade Organization, the Head of the State noted that trade sector make significant influence on entire economic system in development of international relations stimulating production industries to making of various high quality competitive goods.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that in modern conditions, steadfast integration of Turkmenistan to the world trade and economic system is an important factor of development of market relations, intensification and diversification of export potential of the country, enhancement of its investment attractiveness.
Therefore, measures for bringing of cooperation with the WTO to new level and obtaining of observer status in this organization will give opportunity to Turkmenistan not only to participate actively in global processes but also to use its competitive advantages successfully.
It would support to the strengthening of positions and authority of the country in the world arena, expansion of spectrum of beneficial cooperation with foreign partners, the President said, having ordered the Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry to continue working in this direction.
During video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed all participants, having focused on the utmost objectives of social and economic development of the country.
Having noted that our country offers new approaches to solution of ecological problems on Caspian Sea in close cooperation with its neighbours and partners as well as with competent international organizations, the head of the State gave specific assignments for provision of control of practical implementation of interstate agreements.
The necessity of thorough preparation to the Week of Culture and Türkmeniň Altyn asyry contest, which is annually held among literature, culture and art personnel, young artists and talented people, has been noted.
Having noted that oil and gas sector remains the main engine of national economy, the President focused on the necessity of modernization of equipment and facility base of the industry including by cooperation with foreign partners.
Relative officials received directions on improvement of scientific, selective and pedigree work aimed at protection of purity of the breed and selection of new lines of ahalteke horse and alabays, which have become original symbols of Turkmenistan.
Support of the GDP on high level and realization of the Concept of development of digital economy were highlighted among the utmost current objectives. In this regard, the necessity of continuation of systematic work for digitization, introduction of modern technologies and scientific developments to production, which supports the growth of national economy, has been highlighted.
Other important issues of the state life, on which relative decisions have been made, were reviewed at the session.
Finishing video conference working session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wealth and success in work to all participants.