Agency address(es)

Ashgabat - Istanbul
Route Flight number Airport Days of week Departure Arrival
asb-ist T5-921 Ashgabat International Airport 1 18:40 20:40
asb-ist T5-901 Ashgabat International Airport 3 5:50 8:10
asb-ist T5-921 Ashgabat International Airport 4 18:40 20:40
asb-ist T5-921 Ashgabat International Airport 5 18:40 20:40
asb-ist T5-985 Ashgabat International Airport 6 14:10 16:10
asb-ist T5-927 Ashgabat International Airport 7 22:20 0:20*
* The flight arrives next day
Istanbul - Ashgabat
Route Flight number Airport Days of week Departure Arrival
ist-asb T5-928 Istanbul Ataturk Airport 1 2:00 7:50
ist-asb T5-922 Istanbul Ataturk Airport 1 22:15 4:05*
ist-asb T5-902 Istanbul Ataturk Airport 3 9:45 16:35
ist-asb T5-922 Istanbul Ataturk Airport 4 22:15 4:05*
ist-asb T5-922 Istanbul Ataturk Airport 5 22:15 4:05*
ist-asb T5-986 Istanbul Ataturk Airport 6 17:40 23:30
* The flight arrives next day

Note:Times are local for each airport.
