Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň wekilleri türki dilli döwletleriň parlamentleriniň halkara hyzmatdaşlyk meseleleri boýunça komitetleriniň ýolbaşçylarynyň mejlisine gatnaşdylar
2025-nji ýylyň 18-nji fewralynda Türkmenistanyň Mejlisiniň wekilleri Türkiýe Respublikasynyň Stambul şäherinde geçirilen türki dilli döwletleriň parlamentleriniň halkara hyzmatdaşlyk meseleleri boýunça komitetleriniň ýolbaşçylarynyň mejlisine gatnaşdylar. Bu forum parlament derejesinde türki dilli döwletleriň dostlukly hyzmatdaşlygyny goldamak, sebitleýin parlamentara gatnaşyklary ösdürmek hem-de parlamentarileriň ýurdunyň durmuş-ykdysady ösüşine işjeň gatnaşmagynyň oňyn tejribesini ýaýratmak...
A scientific conference dedicated to the International Year of Peace and Trust was held in the Republic of Türkiye
On February 7, 2025, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Türkiye together with Ahi Evran University of Kirsehir organized a scientific conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality and the proclamation of 2025 as the "International Year of Peace and Trust". The event was attended by the Governor of Kirsehir Province Murat Sefu Demiryurek, Rector of Ahi Evran University Professor Mustafa Kazim Karahocagil, as well as representatives of socio-political organizat...
A photo exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's Neutrality opened in Türkiye
On February 7, 2025, a photo exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality, as well as the proclamation of 2025 as the "International Year of Peace and Trust" opened in the province of Kirsehir, Türkiye. The grand opening of the exhibition, organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Türkiye and the Ahi Evran University of Kirsehir, was attended by famous creative figures, representatives of public organizations in Turkey, the country's media, and student...
Ambassador of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Türkiye met with the Rector of Ahi Evran University in Kirsehir
On February 7, 2025, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to Türkiye M.Ishankuliyev met with the Rector of Ahi Evran University in Kirsehir, Professor Mustafa Kazim Karahochagil. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of strengthening bilateral cooperation in the field of education, science and culture, as well as expanding partnership and exchange of experience between educational institutions of the two countries. The Ambassador informed the Rector about...
Turkmen-Turkish interregional cooperation issues discussed
On February 7, 2025, Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Türkiye M.Ishankuliyev met with the Governor of Kirsehir Province of the Republic of Türkiye Murat Sefu Demirurek. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of cooperation in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres. Particular attention was paid to the prospects for strengthening ties between the regions of the two countries. The interlocutors confirmed their mutual interest in further developing ties and expressed co...
Ankara hosted an international scientific and practical conference in honor of significant events in Turkmenistan
On December 5, 2024, Ankara hosted an international scientific and practical conference "The Concept of Peace of Makhtumkuli Fragi and the Diplomacy of Neutral Turkmenistan", dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker and poet of the East Makhtumkuli Fragi and the celebration of the 29th anniversary of the permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan, as well as the presentation of a new edition of selected poems of Makhtumkuli Fragi, translated into Turkish. The event was o...
Hormatly Raýatlar! Häzirki wagtda internet torlarynda (sosial mediýalarda) Türkiýe Respublikasynyň çäginde wagtlaýyn ýa-da hemişelik ýaşaýan Türkmenistanyň raýatlarynyň biometrik pasportlarynyň möhletleriniň 2025-nji ýyla çenli uzaltmalaryň dowam edýändigi barada galp we nädogry maglumatlaryň ýaýradylýandygyna dykgatyňyzy çekýäris. Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň 2022-nji ýylyň 9-njy maýyndaky «Türkmenistanyň raýatynyň Türkmenistandan gitmek we Türkmenistana gelmek üçin pasportynyň hereket ed...